
Highlights from Classical Texts

         Since I was a little girl I have loved to read. One of my favorite things to do after school would be to get a snack and sit down with a good book. I loved the Harry Potter series, Shannon Hale’s books and many other contemporary pieces and I never ventured into older writings. I am grateful for the opportunity we had to read more classical literature in this class because it opened my eyes to the beauty and relevance of these more ancient texts.          I remember preparing for the first day of class and opening the Iliad for the first time. I was surprised by its careful craftsmanship, impressed with its strong emotional resonance, and enraptured by the story it told. I had heard of Homer’s writings but knew they came from an early time period, so I expected the writing to be somewhat primitive. Reading the first paragraph quickly informed me that I was wrong. Homer writes, “RAGE: Sing, Goddess, Achilles’ rage, Black and murderous, that cost the Greeks Incalculable pa

What do You Hold Close?

Throughout ancient times warriors carried shields as part of their army outfitting. High rank or low, a shield was a possession that nearly all warriors yielded. It was held close to the person to protect the body from oncoming blows and arrows. For many cultures, the design and artwork on the outside of the shield held significance for the bearer. “ The motifs painted on the shields were intended to represent their holders’ strength and warrior ethos, and possibly served to frighten the enemy. Sometimes, they represented the city of origin for the warrior in question” ( Shield Emblems ). In Vergil's The Aeneid , the main character yields a shield with unique artwork and images that symbolize the culture and values of Rome at the time.  One artist's depiction of the shield of Aeneas.              One of the images on Aeneas’s shield was a depiction of the Rape of Lucretia. This important event was recorded by the author, Livy and explained the rape of an important no

A Modern Temple and a Mycenaean Palace

Much of Western Civilization has been greatly influenced by Greek philosophy, art, medicine, and democracy. The Greeks also greatly impacted the field of architecture; the United States is spotted with buildings that incorporate ancient Greek architecture such as Lincoln Memorial , the U.S. Capitol Building and the Second Bank of the United States . However, not all of this influence can be attributed to the Greeks. The root of Greek architecture comes from their predecessors, the Myceneans (Cartwright). Even in modern times, traces of Mycenaean architecture can be found embedded in monumental buildings in the United States. This paper will discuss the similarities and differences between the Palace of Mycenae and a more contemporary building, the Salt Lake Temple , and what the structure of these buildings conveys about their respective cultures.  Although the peak of the Mycenaeans civilization vanished more than 2,000 years ago, the Mycenean Palace shares significant similarit


Lover of Mountains I grew up close to the Teton mountain range and my family spent a lot of time together in the outdoors. From a young age, I have enjoyed hiking, skiing, climbing, camping, kayaking, and any activities that will get me outdoors. All of my screensavers and desktops display mountains. I crave the adventure and raw beauty of the mountains and in my spare time, you can usually find me planning my next outdoor trip. I feel closest to God, closest to my true self and closest to home in the mountains. Boss Baker Another passion of mine that developed at a young age was my love for baking. I love to experiment and try new recipes. I have dedicated many hours to perfecting the "pizookie", which has been voted as "best pizookie" by my friends and family.  I don't mess around with desserts and take flavor combinations, high-quality ingredients, and texture very seriously. Just say "cookie" and you've got my undivided attention. Twin